Has the first 386 pokemon and 41 of the 4th generation!
You can travel to parts of Jhota and Sinnoh.
Two new regions: Zheri and Floasun
New Elite 4
All legendary catchable
New rival
New event final: Pokémon World Championships (with Champions League)
New Tiles
Principais Legendary Pokemon: Arceus and Giratina
New Events
New Team: Team Steam
They say that Arceus the god of Pokemon, created not only the Pokemon, but also the whole universe.
You do this with the teacher, then Kaohri ASh and if they happen to see the faces of an old writing that such writing speaks at the origin of the universe, then quickly destroi the teacher is writing so that does not fall into the hands missed, but it was and last over two STREN menbrons team, he had heard and dumps you for writing it looked now that he knows you and one of the four people who have knowledge in this area, they decided to attack but to Kaohri and Ash closing them he gets nothing, but and you as it is without pokemon without protection, and there that fits the teacher in this story and you your first pokemon and train you order, you gain lead so that you she is strong enough to defeat any team member STREN and Empowering yourself if you defend and protect his family, and the last to keep the secret of the universe.